电影 伪善者2015



  • 片名:伪善者2015
  • 状态:HD
  • 主演:권민중/김정균/장두이/최할리/宋银金/姜京俊/신소미/주연서/
  • 导演:김진홍/
  • 年份:2015
  • 地区:韩国
  • 类型:伦理/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:韩语
  • 更新:2023-05-02 20:12
  • 简介:  Does the country have to compensate for a case against those socially weak?  Sexual favors and harassment by the high class society, weak females of the society send them a warning.  So-yeon is a college student who sues the government for not being able to protect the socially weak from sexual favors. She goes on national television to talk about this case. Hae-yeong is a broadcasting anchor who hosts the show and the panel starts to battle about the matter of sexual favors. Uncensored words go back and forth as the debate goes on and the initial topic of sexual favors turns into a talk about the basic laws that the government must live by and its problems as well as the duplicity of the higher social class. The debate turns into harsh words and pointing fingers while the director of the broadcasting station instigates them to do better for improved viewing percentage . So-yeon is alone in the hall after everyone’s left and she opens her mouth  “There's no seduction I can't refuse...”
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 立即播放  量子云


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首页 电影 伦理 伪善者2015


 当前资源来源量子云 - 在线播放,无需安装播放器


  Does the country have to compensate for a case against those socially weak?  Sexual favors and harassment by the high class society, weak females of the society send them a warning.  So-yeon is a college student who sues the government for not being able to protect the socially weak from sexual favors. She goes on national television to talk about this case. Hae-yeong is a broadcasting anchor who hosts the show and the panel starts to battle about the matter of sexual favors. Uncensored words go back and forth as the debate goes on and the initial topic of sexual favors turns into a talk about the basic laws that the government must live by and its problems as well as the duplicity of the higher social class. The debate turns into harsh words and pointing fingers while the director of the broadcasting station instigates them to do better for improved viewing percentage . So-yeon is alone in the hall after everyone’s left and she opens her mouth  “There's no seduction I can't refuse...”



  • 正片
    5.0 You've Got a Friend/情欲的界线(台)/
  • 正片
    7.0 李采潭///金宇烈/
  • HD
    8.0 詹姆斯·斯派德/霍利·亨特/伊莱亚斯·科泰斯/黛博拉·卡拉·安格/罗姗娜·阿奎特/彼得·麦克内尔/Yolande Julian/Cheryl Swarts/朱达·卡茨/妮基·瓜达尼/Ronn Sarosiak/博伊德·班克斯/Markus Parilo/Alice Poon/John Stoneham Jr./大卫·柯南伯格/乔丹/
  • HD
  • HD
    5.0 索菲娅·卡普佩尔/伊芙琳·克莱尔/达娜·德阿蒙德/坎德拉·斯贝德/埃娃·梅兰德/约翰·斯特朗/莱恩麦克莱恩/Revika Anne Reustle/Chris Cock/Jason Toler/Mark Spiegler/Alice Grey/Axel Braun/Charlotte Cross /亚历山大·科维斯/香奈儿·普雷斯顿/凯西·卡尔弗特/艾登·斯塔尔/米克·布鲁/彼尔·贝雷/斯蒂文·霍尔姆斯/Sean Stearley/阿贝拉·丹格尔/Gina Valentina/
  • HD
    2.0 Chloe Jenna Arron Villaflor Sheila Snow/Jeric Raval Dominic Roco Sheree/
  • HD
    6.0 辰巳唯///青山华///黒木歩///世志男///竹本泰志/
  • HD
    10.0 新春/
  • HD
    6.0 白木优子/月本爱/通野未帆/Miho/Tono/和田光沙/山本宗介/
  • HD
    3.0 佳苗瑠华/Ruka/Kanae/成宮いろは/めぐり/


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