综艺 旅人:48小时游记 第一季
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旅人:48小时游记 第一季

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  • 旅人:48小时游记 第一季

  • 片名:旅人:48小时游记 第一季
  • 更新:2023-02-21 17:15
  • 简介:  Richard Ayoade takes a ruthlessly efficient approach to travel. In 48 hours he covers everything a city has to offer.  Episode 1 - Barcelona  Richard and actor Kathy Burke do Barcelona in 48 hours, including some far-out cuisine, Cava tasting, a guided tricycle tour and surrealist artist Miro  Episode 2 - Istanbul  Richard and comedian Adam Hills embark on a whirlwind visit in Istanbul, including a boat trip, a massage, a very close shave, and some haggling at the Grand Bazaar  Episode 3 - Iceland  Richard takes actor Jessica Hynes on a whirlwind weekend away to the stunning scenery of Iceland, for waterfalls, glaciers, geysers, whales, rotten shark and elf school  Episode 4 - Marrakech  Richard and actor Stephen Mangan eat steamed sheep's head and go hot air ballooning and camel riding on a quickie weekend trip in Morocco
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